Sunday 8 May 2011

Window Research

Fig, 1

Fig, 2
Gregor's story explores psychological torment through a indescribable transformation, causing me visualise his room being extremely dark and full of shadows for him to hide in. I found these two images which i thought captured this creepy and uneasy sense. 

Transgression of different sources of light

I selected it in negative, pressed print screen, as it shows the progression of transparency through the series of frames.This gave me the inspiration to create a specific effect; one in which the amount of light I could allow through the windows would influence the atmosphere.

I wanted to visually explore the effects and dimensions in the rooms from what we had discussed as a group and my own personal thoughts on how to support the narrative corectly. I wanted to focus on how the space would look from one perspective with the doors being open, showing the decay that is extremely evident in Gregor’s bedroom.  

Window Research

Fig 1

The deteriorated window and walls around suggest age, which i could imitate around my own windows. I liked this crumbling paint and surface it creates to the windows orginial shape

Fig 2 This reflects the style of Art Nuevo through the detailing and linear lines. 

The windows on this building capture the ornate style of Prague. The gilded frames convey a beautiful floral pattern almost like a flower blooming from the building.  

I based the sketch of the living room on German Architecture by using a lot of exposed wood as most of the German houses i found were log houses. I added a slanted angel to the door to suggest a sense of false reality. 

Fig 3
This photograph of two windows shows the deterioration of the cement and brick work around it. 

Fig 4
This photograph of the 19th century Evropa Hotel shows the extent of decorative architecture in prague. The shape of the windows are unusual due to the fact that i have not seen anything that resembles these windows at any stage in my research. 

Friday 01/04/2011

During the self directed study day I went to see the Titanic exhibition at the o2 as it's decorations were based on the art nouveau movement. The group thought it would give us an interesting insight into the architecture and aesthetics, styled in way that incorporates the decorative styles prominent in this time period. 

Window-Final Design and Size
measured several different windows in my house to work out the average size, despite them being more contemporary than the era we chose to set the story.

-Bedroom windows measured 2ft by 3ft.
-Bathroom windows measured 3ft by 4ft
-Living room windows measured 2ft by 3.7ft 

I chose the size of the Living room windows would be 2ft by 3ft. 

I chose this for my final design as I was inspired by theart nouveau movment. I related it to my research through the style of sections which as I adopted the a similar style to windows were popular in windows in Prague in 18th century and older buildings.I added two other small sketches to demonstrate the dimensions of the frames and to show how they came out rather than being built in, in order to make the window more of a feature in the set, drawing the viewer's attention towards it 

Illustration List

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