Wednesday 11 May 2011

Set Work

For the frame I will use 2x2mm and for the vertical pieces and 2x4mm for the horizontal pieces. The frame had to fit exactly to produce a tight fight.

The first stage of constructing the window frames was fitting mdf planks to act as a liner. As I had the two windows to do, measuring the same size, I cut the pieces out at the same time and therefore saved time.
I needed to cut out 4 2 feet and 4 3 feet pieces. However after cutting the pieces I found that the fit was to tight and so proceeded to sand some extra off. Once again I tried the pieces to see if they fitted the frame in the wall.


When wallpapering it is better to use a thick and hairy roller so that it is as flat as possible, as well as it saving time due to the extra coverage of a thicker roller. The wallpaper chosen for the living room had a delicate floral pattern, which meant we had to make sure to match it continuously. The first step involved making the paste and I began by slowly adding around a quarter of a packet the paste powder to half a bucket of water. I then added the packet content in gradually whilst stirring continuously. Once the mixture was consistent and the wallpapering powder was fully mixed in by looking for lumps. Next, it was necessary for me to leave the mixture to stand for five minutes allowing time for the paste to expand and set into a gel.

As the wallpaper came in rolls we pre tore 8 ft long pieces to fit the biggest walls in the living room and were shown how to prepare the wallpaper before applying it. I applied the paste to the paper and directed the roller facing down aiming for an even coverage and folded both side of the paper into the middle of the wallpaper strip and repeated. This allowed more of the paste to soak into the paper and also gives better mobility when getting in position to apply it.  

We started the wallpapering on the most prominent feature in the room, which was the fireplace wall. We released one side of the folded wallpaper, allowing the rest of it to drop down as we were pressing it on to the surface. It was important to smooth the wallpaper down as we were going along the paper to the floor in order to make sure there are no trapped air bubbles that will make the paper bubble and peel away from the wall. 

We began following the application of the demonstration strip and started to work outwards around the room. Instead of repeating the traditional method of wallpapering, we put the paste straight on to the walls instead, which proved quicker and just as effective.  

We were informed that the process used to paint Gregor’s bedroom was not the correct process on a set environment and that the surface of the walls was too uneven. In a professional set build, wallpaper would be applied first to build the layers up, so it was decided to sand the majority of lumps on the walls, due to the fact the saw dust would prevent the wallpaper from sticking.

The sense of this room representing a recent psychological terror is conveyed through the dark scratched surfaces of the walls. The plan was to cover this effect with wallpaper to make it look as if it were seeping through. This suggestion would also be visible through the distressed and torn carpet covering the majority of the room. 

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