Monday 23 May 2011

Research into Mould

Around the architrave and sill I wanted to create a suggestion of Gregor’s presence through elements such as damp and mould. I research into mould growing on walls and around the window area. I also took several photographs of mould inside a house. From this research I found several types of mould that show different patterning and colouring. 

This mould shows a dotted pattern and shows the presence of damp on the wall.

These two photographs show how woodwork are effected by being exposed to wet and damp conditions. This causes the wood to crumble and creates an interesting pattern on the surface of the exposed area. I though this would be a good idea to imitate around the sill and bottom supporting section.

This gave me the idea of the ageing paint around the window frame.

 Fig, 1 Room effected by flooding

Out off all the images I think this one is the most helpful and demonstrates the dirty surface created on the rest of the existing set walls already. I think the moterling effect the mould has created where the wall meets the ceiling shows how I might imitate mould creating this patterned effect. However I think what ever I do it must be sutal, as I don’t want the mould to overwhelm the image of the windows completely just suggest something’s not quite right.

Fig 2, Mouldy Wall

 Fig 3, Black Mould

Fig, 4

Fig, 5

Both fig 4 and 5 show an extreme amount of physical decay to the inertia walls of the rooms. The exposed layers making up the wall combined with the pealing wallpaper creates a similar effect we were thinking of when creating Gregor’s room.

Finally I removed the news paper taped around the windows. I found a little amount of the paint had leaked onto the walls surrounding the edges of the windows. However this will not be visible once i have recreated mould around the effected areas. 

The button polish picked up on all the tones of the layers we had combined together to create this colour.

To finish the painting off I used button polish, this highlighted certain sections of the wood creating a 3d dimensional effect to the panelling.

I think the chosen colours work well with the inertia and match well with the doors. However once a layer of button polish is added the wood’s colour will have a lot more depth to it.

For the next layers of paint we applied a mixture of different shades of brown to add an ageing and grainy effect to the surface of the frames. We achieved this by using a black wash, two different brown washes and a thicker and lighter brown wash. Then we went over the paint using a dry brush to remove parts of the top layers of paint. This would also revel the first black layer I put on the windows which will age the paint work.

To create the same effect and colour as the doors I started by applying Burnt umber. This added a woody colour to the frame and combined with a darker brown paint thinned using water. This continued the ageing paint look we wanted to create. I then went over the paint once it dry and sanded some of the layers back to reveal the black paint underneath. 


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