Monday 23 May 2011

Mould Studies

These studies show decay and the colours created by areas effected by mould. For both studies I used a range of inks, watercolour and pastels.

I think this study works particularly well through the sutall colours. The brown appears to be seeping through the paper, just like damp looks on walls. I am going to imitate this on the areas I want to add the mould. I am only going to do this in very slightly only to suggest damp and not make it too noticeable on first inspection.

I used a mixture of watercolours and charcoal to create this study of one of the windows. I incorporated the suggestion of mould through dark areas around the edges of the support frame and sides. This will highlight the room’s general tidy appearance but unnoticeable at first is the dust gather showing neglect from the family. This could be shown though the state of inside of the window glass should be dusty and grubby. This shows the extent of Gregor’s transformation has had on the family unit and has preoccupied them letting the house’s appearance to degrade.

I also thought how the light could be shinning through as our group had decided we would have some form of natural light in the living room as well as unnatural. I used yellow to show where the light would reflect of the window frame and surrounding room in to and within the room.  

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