Monday 23 May 2011

Psychological Horror Essay Research

I started by choosing the scenes from three films out of the five we reviewed which I personally think convey the theme of psychological terror the clearest. I chose to analyse these using the theory of the Uncanny. The scenes I have chosen show the directors using an ordinary object and putting it into a unrecognisable situation and therefore making it frightening. This will help me decipher why these images are so scary.

This is the still I am going to use to show how the film the Haunting uses an ordinary setting and situation but creates a frightening image.

The next scene I will be analysing is from the film the Shining. I will also be looking at what makes this image so frightening and effective.

The last film I will be analysing will be the scene of the bleeding fridge in the Machinist.

Freud, Anna. (1986) The Essentials of Psycho-Analysis. (1nd edition) London: Hogarth Press
Schneider , 2004, Horror Film and Psychoanalysis Freud’s Worst Nightmare.  Usa: Cambridge University Press
Cavallaro, Dani, 2002, The Gothic Vision: Three Centuries of Horror, Terror and Fear. London: Continuum international Publishing
Spadoni, Robert, 2007, Uncanny Bodies: The coming of sound Film and the origins of the Horror Genre. USA: University of California Press
Wheeler, Winston, 2008, Short History of Film. USA:  Rutgers University Press 

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